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So Many Ways to be Involved!​


Become a Member​

Enjoy the many benefits of belonging to a special group of preservationists and art enthusiasts: the Northern Virginia Fine Arts Association. In addition to receiving invitations to all art exhibition openings, musical performances, and other special events, as a member you are helping preserve and maintain the historic Athenaeum. Our landmark headquarters, the Athenaeum, survives and flourishes because of the generosity and involvement of people like you. 

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The Athenaeum depends on membership contributions, grants, revenue from art and rental sales, and  - most importantly  - contributions from individual donors. Please help us keep our historic treasure in great repair, filled with art, and a vital part of the community. We are a registered 501 C(3) organization, and your support is fully tax-deductible.



Contact to discuss volunteer opportunities.  If you have a skill, we can probably use it.  Volunteer assignments include gallery docent, administrative support, marketing and social media help, building and grounds, and assistance with performing arts and other events.

Join our mailing list

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If you wish to donate by check please make checks payable to the NVFAA and mail to 201 Prince Street, Alexandria, VA, 22314 or contact

The Northern Virginia Fine Arts Association (NVFAA) | The Athenaeum Gallery

201 Prince Street, Alexandria, VA 22314  | 703 548 0035


The NVFAA is a registered 501 (c) 3 organization and supported primarily though donations, member contributions, proceeds from rental of the building for events, and commissions from art sales.


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